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Transmission Line Survey

Chandler Chapel at WKU

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Barren County, Kentucky



East Kentucky Power Cooperative

Completion Date


Given the ever increasing energy demands of our Nation, it is only natural that regional power companies would be expanding their services.  When East Kentucky Power Company (EKPC) recognized the need for additional power transmission lines to serve a nearby community, they selected DDS to assist them with their expansion project.  The project consisted of approximately 10 miles of high voltage power transmission lines to be traversed between the communities of Bon Ayr and Cave City, Kentucky. 


The scope of the project for DDS covered a number of phases.  Initially, DDS assisted EKPC with the preliminary route surveying control.  This phase involved the use of GPS equipment throughout the entire 10 mile route in order to establish precise control for the project.  All the control as established was used for the subsequent aerial mapping and preliminary route design by the EKPC Engineers.


Upon completion of the project control, DDS then began the detailed surveying of the location of property lines, fences, roadways, existing power lines and/or communications lines, including precise wire locations, elevations, and temperatures.  All this data was utilized for actual power line design.


Upon completion of the preliminary power line design by the EKPC Engineers, DDS then returned to the field and provided route clearing limits.  Additionally, precise wire locations, elevations, and temperatures were again taken as a check for tension and temperature sag.


As the clearing completed, DDS began the staking of the actual power line structures.  This involved the precise location of the power transmission poles bases, anchor and turning points. 

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