Geotechnical Engineering
Know what’s below? Unknown subsurface conditions are one of the major causes of cost overruns and schedule delays in the construction industry. DDS stresses the importance of knowing what the subsurface conditions of a site are before construction begins to reduce those dreaded cost overruns and schedule delays. The old saying of “leave no stone unturned” is not an economical approach to geotechnical explorations, but detailed attention is given to the stones that are turned by DDS.
DDS offers a variety of geotechnical engineering services including, but not limited to, site characterizations, settlement evaluation, karsts evaluation, slope stability, pavement design, subgrade improvement, and more.
DDS is a member firm of GBA.
Pride and Excellence in:
Embankment Design
Expansive Soils
Foundation Design
Geophysical Exploration
Geophysical Seismic Classification
Karst Analysis
Landfill Design and Testing
Pavement Design
Risk Assessments
Settlement Evaluation
Site Characterizations
Site Evaluations
Site Excavation Planning
Slope Stability Analysis
Subgrade Improvement